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Welcoming Back our Rockville Weavers

Posted by Christine Eckstein on

After almost two years, our Rockville Weavers have finally returned to the weaving studio. Unlike a lot of other companies, we had to take quite a few extra precautions to keep our people safe. However, as vaccination rates have increased and transmission rates have decreased, we’re finally ready to have everyone back in the studio. While a few of our weavers have moved on to new jobs or moved to new states; we’re happy to welcome back our weaving group.
So here’s a little intro on each of our returning weavers and what they’re up to these days!
First up is Gabe! Everyone started off on their first day working on a practice loom, that way we could asses where they were in their skills and see what they needed help with or what types of skills they may have lost. Gabe has always been one of our strongest weavers, and without surprise he effortlessly picked up weaving right away. After about an hour he switched over to working on one of our production looms for fall. Gabe is currently weaving Glade, a twill scarf that has been hand dyed in shades of green and blue.
Eugenia was a big surprise to us all! She had just started learning how to weave right before we had to close down for Covid, but somehow, she came back and picked it up very quickly! Eugenia worked on her practice loom for about a week while she tried a few different weaving patterns and remembered how to fix common mistakes. She has now moved over onto her production loom and will be weaving together an infinity scarf called Babylon.
Sarah has returned to our studio as well and was very excited to begin weaving after such a long break. Sarah is a wonderful weaver, and with a bit more practice she will return to production projects in no time at all. One of the hardest skills to perfect is weaving consistently, so right now Sarah is working on producing consistent even results. She’s currently weaving up some yarn that we’re considering using in the future –so once she’s done we’ll give it a wash and see what it looks like as a “final” piece of fabric.
As a group we want to say a big thank you to all of our donors and patrons- without you our artisans wouldn’t have the chance to work on such interesting projects! We have quite a few wonderful items being released this fall, and we’re already prepping for our Christmas rush. In the meantime, be sure to shop or current collection and help us to continue to support our individuals!

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